Utah Elite Driver Education
Utah Elite Driver Education at AAI room 112. The only days that students will be working from home (homework) are 4/23,24th.
Utah Elite Driver Education at AAI room 112. The only days that students will be working from home (homework) are 4/23,24th.
We've got spirit! Yes, we do! We've got Spirit! How about you? Get dressed up! It's Spirit Week!
Utah Elite Driver Education at AAI room 112. The only days that students will be working from home (homework) are 4/23,24th.
Utah Elite Driver Education at AAI room 112. The only days that students will be working from home (homework) are 4/23,24th.
Engage in your student’s education and come to Parent Teacher Conferences. Teachers will be available to discuss the progress of your child and can answer any questions that you have ...
The Red Cross Bloodmobile will be at AAI. Blood donations are by appointment The event is open to the public.
Engage in your student’s education and come to Parent Teacher Conferences. Teachers will be available to discuss the progress of your child and can answer any questions that you have ...
It's the biggest dance event of the year. The PROM dance will be held at The Azalea Event Venue on SoDa Row in Daybreak. More details coming soon.
AAI students in grades 6 to 8 will take the Readiness Improvement Success Empowerment (RISE) testing in English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Writing. AAI students in grades 9, 10 ...
The AAI Governing Board will meet to discuss and approve policies, review the school finances, and other important school matters. The public is welcome to attend and may address the ...