Little Buckaroo Petting Zoo
Landon Leak will take the Service Bound Immersion class to visit the Little Buckaroo Petting Zoo at Gardner Village.
Landon Leak will take the Service Bound Immersion class to visit the Little Buckaroo Petting Zoo at Gardner Village.
Felicia O'Donnell will take the Hiking the Wasatch to hike to Lake Blance in Big Cottonwood Canyon.
Landon Leak will take the Service Bound Immersion students to volunteer at the Utah Food Bank.
Ashley Price will take the Dinosaur Immersion to visit the Clark Planetarium. Transportation:
Landon Leak will take the Service Bound Immersion students to volunteer to make holiday gifts for children.
Kathy Nuttall will take the Aquaculture and Plant/Soil Science students to visit the Logan Fish Hatchery.
Felicia O'Donnell will take AAI students to volunteer at a Senior Citizen Luncheon at the South Jordan Community Center.
Keith Debono will take the Digital Audio class to volunteer as the stage crew for upcoming performances.
Keith Debono will take the Digital Audio class to volunteer as the stage crew for upcoming performances.
Brady Swainston will take the History of War class to visit Camp Williams to watch artillery training. Cost: $13.50 each.
Keith Debono will take the Digital Audio class to volunteer as the stage crew for upcoming performances.
Brady Swainston will take students to volunteer at the senior citizens' Thanksgiving luncheon at the South Jordan Community Center.