7 events found.
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Utah State Board of Education Testing
AAI students in grades 6 to 8 will take the Readiness Improvement Success Empowerment (RISE) testing in English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Writing. ...
Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week
Want to give a special shout-out to an AAI educator who inspires you? It's National Teacher (& Staff) Appreciation Week!
Ashton Gardens Tulip Festival
Ashton Gardens Tulip Festival
Kathy Nuttall will take the Plant & Soil Science class to visit the Ashton Gardens Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point. Cost: $4 per person.
South Jordan Community Center
South Jordan Community Center
Felicia O'Donnell or Brady Swainston will take students to the South Jordan Community Center to teach cell phone skills to senior citizens. March 7: ...